Maimoona Sahar
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Maimoona Sahar is currently working as a Consultant (Sustainability Advisory) at Capgemini Invent. Previously, she has worked with the Government of Haryana including in its apex training institute and as the Honorable Chief Minister of Haryana’s representative where she managed end-to-end implementation of flagship State initiatives. She was also part of Local Pathways Fellow program 2021 under the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network- Youth Initiative for implementation of SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities. She holds a bachelor degree in Economics and Masters in Development Policy. She is ardent about empowering communities to contribute in policy implementation. Personally, she is always in search of colder habitats given the reality of climate change in her surroundings which piques her interest in sustainable development and urbanism. While her thinking has been sculpted with mechanized, urbane upbringing, she shares a dialectical relation with the hinterland for finding inspiration in understanding her burgeoning.