Sameera Khan
Journalist, Writer, Feminist Researcher

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Sameera Khan is a Mumbai-based independent journalist, researcher. She is co-author of the critically acclaimed book, ‘Why Loiter: Women & Risk on Mumbai Streets’ (Penguin-Random House, 2011) which examines women’s access to public space. A journalist for almost three decades and a former Assistant Editor with The Times of India, till recently she taught a master's level journalism course at the School for Media & Culture Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Her areas of interest are media, women, minorities, cities, and local history. For two years, she wrote a regular column on women and the city in The Hindu newspaper. A graduate of Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism in New York City, currently she is in the process of writing a biography of the old Muslim neighborhoods of Bombay/Mumbai.