Naaima Suroor
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Naaima Suroor is currently pursuing Master's of technology in Artificial Intelligence (CS) from Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW). She completed her graduation in Computer Science Engineering from Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. She has previously interned at the National Informatics Center (NIC) and a housing startup as a Summer intern and a Business Development Associate respectively. She also has a publication on Humanoid Robots in her kitty. Naaima aspires for better representation of women in STEM, so that young girls have better role models to look up to, and no field remains out of their reach. Identifying as a fierce feminist and a practicing Muslim, she wishes for a future in data science and to eventually use her experience for ecologically sustainable and ethical organizations. She prefers to spend time with her pet parakeet during leisure, read (mostly fiction; Harry Potter being her comfort read) and nap.