Schezeen Fazulbhoy
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Schezeen Fazulbhoy is a software engineer, leveraging technology to solve the pressing limitations of the day. Having worked at Nomura - as a full-stack developer and at Major League Hacking (MLH) - as a Technical Program Manager, she is now an incoming Computer Science Major at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech University). Being a big open-source enthusiast, she has contributed to major open-source projects like Meta's WebXR Layers, alongside building and maintaining her own passion projects. Schezeen has emerged victorious at various national hackathons, coding competitions and challenges over the years. She values the essence of community and collaboration, and has thus further immersed herself in this space by volunteering in the capacity of a mentor/judge at student hackathons. Moreover, Schezeen is also recognized as a Google Women Techmakers Ambassador. Schezeen's vision is to use her solid technical foundations to solve problems that aim at improving accessibility, inclusivity, and productivity for people from all backgrounds, health histories, religions, and cultures, in order to render the world around them easier to navigate. Schezeen believes that her successes are not just her own, but also that of the numerous people that have influenced, motivated and supported her along her journey, and thus strives her best to pay it forward.