''LedBy is that community that allows me to understand my identity and above all makes me feel proud of it.....''
I was born and brought up in a very middle-class family where I was taught that education is the only door to achieve and earn a life of your own wish. I fervently believed in this and believe it still, my belief allowed me to visualize my future but my life taught me many different lessons. Privilege, Gender, Religion are the markers of society and now I understand an essential part of our identity.

We make our name in our respective domain or field with our knowledge, hard work, and skills but sometimes we need a helping hand to rise above all the odds just like we needed our parents who fortunately gave us birth and allowed us to walk on this planet. LedBy is that community that allows me to understand my identity and above all makes me feel proud of it.
"Of all the hurdles I have been through now I have understood with the tide of time that to make a change you have to be the change first and acknowledge a sense of belonging to who you are. If you accept yourself with all your heart you will influence others, History provides us with a sense of identity and we all bear our past which acts like our footprints and not a burden for our future."
