Joan Moon
Founder & Head, Negotiation Coaching at KSNP
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Joan Moon is a management consultant and founder of Moon Negotiation, LLC. She is Founder and Head of Negotiation Coaching at the Kennedy School Negotiation Project (KSNP) and a former Fellow at the Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP) at the Harvard Kennedy School where she led the Career Negotiation Coaching Program. She currently leads the KSNP Coaching Clinic. Moon earned her Master in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) where she worked with various negotiation faculty members. Before coming to HKS, Moon was a Teach for America corps member and taught for seven years at a traditional public school in the Bronx. Moon earned her Master of Science in Education from Hunter College. She earned her Bachelor of Science from Emory University where she double-majored in Sociology and Education.